Friday, March 9, 2012

This is why I'm hot

Olivia and my parents left last night for San Diego. My flight isn't until this afternoon, so for the night, I had the house to myself. On one hand, it felt big and empty without them. I made several trips downstairs and back up while I was packing last night and I always sprinted up the stairs from the dark basement, because maybe I'm scared of the dark (even more when I'm the only one home). It's fine.

But on the other hand, I'm loving my life! Most of it is probably this Spring Break high that I'm on. Then there's the fact that my suitcase is packed full with swimsuits, shorts, dresses, rompers, and sunglasses. The rest of my love for life right now comes from blasting "This is Why I'm Hot" and "Ice Ice Baby" on full volume from my room. It's a great time. 

Really though, it's Spring Break! And I'm so very excited to spend the week on the beach. Yesssss.

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