Tuesday, October 16, 2012


At this point in the semester I usually feel overwhelmed and oh so tired of school. This semester really isn't any different, but some sweet things have lifted my spirits in the last week.

We had Hillbilly Club for Wyldlife and it was probably one of my favorite Wyldlife clubs ever. A couple kids threw up, which usually means it was super fun. We went hard. And I got to give my first club talk, which was cool! It is a relief to have the first one done and I feel kinda like a real Young Life leader now...yay!
The only things on my list to get for club...pretty sure the checkout man and bag-boy thought I was a real Hillbilly.

I have felt very intentionally loved by some awesome people recently and that is the best. I got to spend time with some really cool people over coffee and other cool people loved me through gifts and cards!
Found this sweet gift bag on my porch from a mystery friend!
Chocolate-filled mug, tea, cool CD, and lovely Bible verses about rest. So loved.

Letters from TWO of my best friends on the same day. Best ever.

I also got to spend some sweet time with my team + Matt and Max (Tristin was very missed). We had the best night! It began with dinner around 8:30 or 9. Then we took 5-hour energy shots around 10:30 before a couple rounds of this awesome game called fugitive. Then we carved pumpkins (sorry I don't have pictures to show our handiwork...). We ended the night with Waffle House, of course. We went at about 3 AM and our favorite worker, Bobby, wasn't there, but it was still grand in the way only Waffle House at 3 AM can be. I got into bed at about 4:30 AM and I felt awful the entire next day, but it was SO worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Your life is too cool. And so much cooler when school isn't involved. Wish that I could be with you at Waffle House in the early am. Five weeks?


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